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About Me

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I'm so glad you dropped in for a visit, and hope you find something of interest on my blog. If so, I hope you will hit the FOLLOW button, and carry on this journey with me. It's always great to make new friends, and share our ideas and thoughts with each other. There is no telling what I will be getting myself into...just a fair I enjoy so many things! To name a few: I like drawing, painting, sketching, painting, wood burning, candle making, crocheting, canning, cooking, gardening, natural health, sharing thoughts and ideas, prepping for rainy days, and more. WHEW! I hope you enjoy it! And, I welcome any suggestions from you, as well.
I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a designer (for DecoArt), and a artist (published a few times in magazines). I also have a bachelor's degree in Natural Health Science's. I have so many hobbies and things I dabble in, that I hope you find something of interest!


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Years!

So another year has gone by, and it's been quite eventful!  So many things have happened, and so many things have changed.  One thing that has always remained the same though, is the love my family has for the Lord, and for each other.

I have so much to be thankful for, too.  Just a few to mention:

My husband, such a wonderful man, he works hard, helps often, loves much, and makes me feel like his special lady.  I am so blessed to have been able to spend all these years with him, and look forward to many more wonderful years ahead! 

My daughter, who has found her true soul mate, married him, and now lives far far away from me.  I really don't like the space between us at all, but I know that she is happy with her new wonderful husband, and that is all I could possibly ask for.  I miss her terribly, but know that her husband takes good care of her, and where he lacks, the Lord's watching out for her.  I'm so proud of the woman she has become.

My son, who has gone through so much in our family business, with its ups and downs.  He remains optimistic and upbeat, looking towards a brand new employment future.  He has such a great heart, and remains faithful to his family and his Lord.  I know that whatever field of interest he jumps into, he will give it his all. That's just his way, and I'm proud of the man he has grown into.

My mom, who never gives up and continues to show a smile to the world around her.  I am so proud of her.  She inspires me to become a better person, through her faithfulness to the Lord.  She has been through so much these past years, but still continues to come out with a smile across her face.  I am so proud that she is my mother.

My brother, who continues to amaze me with the support he gives daily to his family.  He never complains, but is always there for anyone who calls on him.  I just wish he'd ask for help from time to time too!  He has grown in so many way, and I am still a very proud big sister to him.

My sister, through all the trials she has gone through these past years, she still manages to hold it together.  I am very proud of her, and how she continues to fight daily to keep her health up, and her family together.  She's a strong independent woman, and I just wish she lived closer so we could spend more time with each other.

My friends.  I have some of the best friends in the world.  Though we don't always talk often, and can go months without seeing each other, I still know that you are there for me with unconditional love.  The Lord has chose to surround me with friends that bring me up in the world in ways you can't even imagine, and I can only hope that I am doing the same for them.

I have a roof over my head, and it only leaks once-in-awhile (seriously, lol).  I have clean clothes on my body, I have food in my frig...I have a family that loves me...and friends that are just like my family...

I am truly blessed.  Thank you dear Jesus!! : )

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